10 June 2010

Online Learning Orientation: A Reflection

In participating in the 2010-11 JHU Administration & Supervision ISTE program as a member of its cohort, I hope to become a more polished, informed leader with a general understanding of online and hybrid learning opportunities. Guided by experiences - those of others and of my own - and open discussion, I would like to learn how to apply myself in a more efficient way as a leader in my school, as well as the field of education. Shortly after completing this program and my Master's degree, I hope to be a certified school administrator with teaching subject endorsements in math, science, ESL (English as a Second Language), and technology (this program will help with acquiring the technology endorsement). I would like to use my skills and certification to become part of a leadership team at an urban school with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) education.

In order to be successful in this program, the first phrase that comes to mind is "time management." If I don't start each academic week by estabishing a schedule and communicating with my team, I can't imagine I'll be successful as I need and want to be. I will log in every day - even if only to read the announcements and check the discussion board. When I create the weekly schedule, I will be sure to plan extra time for writing assignments, as I feel it is a focus area for me. I would like to take my time drafting essays and responses to various media.

Writing is certainly one area where I feel I may need extra support. While I have never received less than a B on any writing assignment in my academic career, I have also never been happy with the structure of my writing, nor have I fully understood all the guidelines for various types of writing and citing resources (such as APA). It seems to me that many of my instructors liked my ideas and had no qualms (in general) with my spelling or mechanics, but that's not good enough for me. I want to be sure that any ideas I have are communicated clearly and professionally, so that the vast majority of people will be able to respect and understand what I am saying. This will be of great assistance when my opinion may differ from others, and when a school full of teachers, students, and community members will require access to my writing.

I very much look forward to meeting everyone in Denver! I actually spent my first year of teaching in inner-city Denver, and lived very close to the Colorado Convention Center. It should be a pleasant and exhilirating experience!